ASUS Eee PC Pink Netbook - 8.5 Hours of Battery Life (Windows 7 Starter)

This is a great little computer. Really nice size. I was worried about the keyboard size - I have big hands - but so far no problems.

The battery seems to last a long time. I haven't timed it so I don't know if it actually lasts 8.5 hrs.

I really like the way the touch pad works. It's not as sensitive as some I've used and that's good for me.

Works great for checking mail and browsing the web.

The screen is very small, but that's the sacrifice for the small size.

Windows 7 Starter seems to work fine. I don't need to tweak anything for my purposes - It's not a development machine.

I was able to add a second user setup for my wife. You can't switch users, you have to logoff.

I did add the 2G memory and that made a significant difference.


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